From Dairy Princess to Dairy Innovator: The Journey of Joris and Katherine

I’m thrilled to share the inspiring story of Joris and Katherine, a dynamic duo whose journey from dairy roots to industry innovation is as fascinating as it is impactful. Their story embodies a blend of tradition and modernity, showcasing their dedication to advancing for dairy farming while deeply engaging with their community.

Early Life and Education

Katherine’s connection to dairy farming runs deep. She reflects on her upbringing, saying, "Growing up, I was surrounded by the legacy of farming. My grandparents on my mom's side were dairy farmers until the 1980s, and my parents also grew up on farms. However, I was raised in town, living in an apartment building. My love for farming started in high school when a friend and I convinced her brother-in-law to buy goats. Before long, I owned some dairy cattle and began my journey as a dairy princess."

Katherine’s involvement as the Dodge County Dairy Princess was a significant milestone. Her passion for dairy continued to grow as she started to pursue a degree in Dairy Science and Technology at Northeast Iowa Community College. It was there that Katherine met Joris, marking the start of both a professional and personal partnership.

Meeting and Early Career

Joris shares his perspective: "I attended Northeast Community College, studying science, and that's where Katherine and I met. We both had a strong passion for dairy farming and quickly bonded over our shared interests. After college, Katherine and I moved back to the farm, bringing with her a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm."Their early career together was marked by a shared commitment to advancing dairy farming practices while also nurturing their growing family.

Innovative Ideas and Community Engagement

The COVID-19 pandemic inspired Katherine to think creatively. "Fast forward to 2020, the pandemic left everyone with cabin fever. I was locked inside with our kids, inspired by a local club organizing waving parades for nursing homes. I combined this idea with my experience from the farm and, along with my sister-in-law’'s pastry skills, we created a dairy drive-through. People drove through the barn, enjoyed donated milk and homemade cookies, and it became a huge hit."

The drive-through event became an annual tradition, growing in size and community impact each year. Joris and Katherine used the event to support various causes, including playground updates for handicap accessibility, food pantries, funeral funds, and local fire departments.

Balancing Work and Family

Balancing farm management and family life is a significant part of Joris and Katherine’s daily routine. Joris describes his day: "My day starts around 6 AM with feeding cows and continues with various tasks like replacing freestyles, fieldwork, and machine shed maintenance. It's a lot, especially with four kids. Katherine found ways to contribute to agriculture without a huge time commitment by joining the local county Farm Bureau board."

Katherine’s involvement in the Farm Bureau and other agricultural promotion groups has allowed her to advocate for farmers and agricultural issues on multiple levels. This advocacy has also inspired Joris to deepen his engagement with agricultural issues.

Future Aspirations

Joris and Katherine are excited about their plans for the future. They are preparing to help expand the dairy operation from 1,600 milking cows and build assist in implementing new facilities to raise all stock. This expansion represents their commitment to innovation and sustainability in agriculture.


Joris and Katherine’s journey from dairy princess and college students to dairy innovators and community advocates is a testament to their resilience, creativity, and deep commitment to agriculture. Their story blends tradition with modernity, showing how passion and innovation can drive a brighter future for farming.

Stay tuned for more updates on their journey and the exciting developments on their farm. If you want to learn more about their story, be sure to watch our latest video. Click here to view the video and witness their remarkable journey firsthand!