Dirt road boutique

Midwestern styled clothing rooted from the black dirt of Eastern Nebraska. Curated of Quality, Affordability and Versatility! I had so much fun shooting with Trinity and Alexis.

By day, Alexis is an Operations Manager Trainee at Frontier Cooperative, a job that keeps her engaged and constantly learning. But her true passion lies in the entrepreneurial ventures she's pursued since childhood, leading me to launch Dirt Road Boutique.

Growing up in Nebraska, the heart of America’s farmland, She's always been surrounded by hard work and determination. Her love for shopping was cultivated early on, thanks to her mom who introduced her to the charm of local boutiques. This early exposure ignited a dream in her: owning a boutique of her own.

Throughout her life, She's always had an entrepreneurial spirit. Whether it was selling hand-printed tutus, cupcakes, or Rainbow Loom bracelets, She's always found joy in creating and selling. In high school, she started Jansen Customs, where she sold welded art and furniture. The success of Jansen Customs was a stepping stone that bolstered my confidence and sharpened my business acumen.

During her time at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where she earned her degree in agribusiness, she was required to start a business as part of a class project. I chose to create custom door signs, and by the end of that year, she had sold over 200 personalized pieces. This experience was exhilarating and reaffirmed my passion for entrepreneurship.

In March of 2023, she took a significant step towards my dream. Accompanied by her mom, I ventured to the Dallas Market. The experience was overwhelming and emotional. I felt torn between pursuing my passion and heeding the practical advice of "having your whole life to work." But my entrepreneurial spirit won out. By the end of the trip, she had committed to starting her boutique, placing orders, and diving headfirst into this new adventure.

Dirt Road Boutique is a reflection of my life, rooted in the black dirt of Eastern Nebraska. She aims is to offer Midwestern styled clothing that embodies quality, affordability, and versatility. As someone who has always struggled to find clothes that fit comfortably, especially with my body shape, I am committed to offering options that cater to a variety of sizes and styles.

She is incredibly grateful for the mentors who have guided her through this process. Their wisdom and support have been invaluable, and they have helped her build the confidence needed to launch this boutique.

Alexis says, "My life thrives on constant chaos. Between my full-time job, managing Dirt Road Boutique, and enjoying my hobbies—riding four-wheelers, spending time with my boyfriend Briar, napping, helping on the family farm, and bow-fishing—I am always on the go. But this chaos fuels my passion and keeps me moving forward."

She dreams of the day when I can run Dirt Road Boutique full-time, allowing her to raise her future children at home while maintaining a steady income. Every day, she pray's for the success of this venture and is excited to see where it takes her.

She invites you all to join me on this exciting journey. Whether you're a fellow entrepreneur, a fashion enthusiast, or someone who simply loves to support small businesses, your support means the world to her.

For my House of Colour girls out there, Alexis is an AUTUMN! So you can expect to see lots of earthy tones and cozy styles that reflect her personal aesthetic.

Thanks for the fun girls!